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Call to ask for an extension of the scrutiny period of cross-border renewable energy projects

WSCS co-signed with other 35 other organizations a letter requesting an extension of the scrutiny period for delegated act C/2024/5129 final in order to allow proper assessment of cross-border renewable energy projects, in particular for a high threat imposed by a new transboundary hydropower project on the Lower Danube, listed by the European Commission on 24 July as a Renewable Energy Crossborder Project (CB RES list) under the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF Energy) and therefore made eligible for EU funding. This so-called “TMNHSA (BG-RO) Project – The Turnu Magurele-Nikopol Hydraulic Structures Assembly”, located downstream of the Romanian town of Turnu-Magurele and the Bulgarian town of Nikopol, on the (still) undammed 836 rkm long Lower Danube, would create considerable risks of landslides and threaten critical infrastructure, settlements and arable land. Its economic viability is questionable given the rising costs of hydropower and the increasing frequency of low water levels of the Danube.

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