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Mature beluga, sterlet and ship sturgeon breeders were released into the Laba river (Kuban river basin)

Mature beluga, sterlet and ship sturgeon breeders were released into the Laba river (Kuban river basin)

In order to restore the natural propagation of the most endangered sturgeon species of the Azov Sea basin – ship (A. nudiventris) and Azov beluga (H. huso) the Sturgeon Gene Pool Conservation Center "Kubanbioresursi" (subordinated to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Region)
Aquaculture Europe 2023 – “Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development”

Aquaculture Europe 2023 – “Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development”

Aquaculture Europe 2023 – “Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development” is planned for September 18-21 in Vienna. A special session dedicated to sturgeon has been proposed and the possibility to held the session will depends on the number of abstracts received. The call for abstract
WSCS signed open letter to EU Parliament and Commission entitled „Counting on hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible

WSCS signed open letter to EU Parliament and Commission entitled „Counting on hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible

A broad coalition of civil society organisations active in the climate and biodiversity fields, united to request from the European Union to revise its Renewable Energy Directive with the aim of truly catalysing renewable energy development in Europe while at the same time supporting the