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Invitation to attend the General Assembly of the WSCS being held in conjunction with the IUCN SSG’s 30th Anniversary and a hosted Bycatch Workshop, Bordeaux, 2-6 September 2024

Invitation to attend the General Assembly of the WSCS being held in conjunction with the IUCN SSG’s 30thAnniversary and a hosted Bycatch Workshop

2-6 September 2024

Join us for the General Assembly of the WSCS on 3 September 2024 in Bordeaux, France.  The General Assembly will be held in conjunction with the 30th Anniversary of the IUCN Sturgeon Specialist Group (SSG) and a 1.5-day workshop on bycatch.

The WSCS General Assembly will be held September 3rd from 16:00 to 18:00 following the 30-year celebration of the IUCN SSG, which will review sturgeon conservation progress over the past three decades.  The IUCN SSG meeting is open to visitors. The bycatch workshop will be held September 4th and 5th and will include presentations from sturgeon researchers, fisheries officials, fishers, and bycatch researchers.  For more information about the program of the IUCN SSG Anniversary, the bycatch workshop, the location, and REGISTRATION, please see




Monday, September 2nd: Arrival and Welcome Social

Welcome Social, To Be Announced

Tuesday, September 3rd: 30th Anniversary of the IUCN Sturgeon Specialist Group and General Assembly of the WSCS

Location: INRAE – Unité Ecosystèmes Aquatiques et Changements Globaux (EABX)
50 avenue de Verdun, 33612 Cestas Cedex

9:00-9:30        Welcome to the 30th Anniversary of the IUCN SSG

9:30-10:00      30 years of Conservation Efforts in China

10:00-10:30    30 Years of Conservation Efforts in Iran and the Caspian Sea

10:30-11:00    Break

11:00-11:30    30 Years of Conservation Efforts in North America

11:30-12:00    30 Years of Conservation Efforts in Russia

12:00-13:30    Lunch

13:30-14:00    30 Years of Conservation Efforts in Western Europe

14:00-14:30    30 Years of Conservation Efforts in the Danube River and the Black Sea

14:30-15:00    Summary

15:00-16:00    Joint IUCN SSG and WSCS Reception


16:00-18:00    WSCS General Assembly

  1. Opening of the Meeting and Welcome by the President
  2. Welcome by the Host and Representatives of Local Authorities
  3. Adoption of the Agenda and Organizational Matters
  4. Presidents Report on 2023 Activities
  5. WSCS Website
  6. Treasurer’s Report
    a) Annual Balance 2023 (and approval by the GA)
    b) Final Adjustments of the 2023 budget
    c) Planned Budget for 2024
  7. Status of Preparation of the 10th International Symposium on Sturgeons (ISS 10) and ISS10 Announcements
  8. Preparation of the WSCS Election of the Board of Directors for the 2026 -2029 period
  9. Miscellaneous Items
  10. Announcing the next Board Meeting and General Assembly

Closing of the meeting



Timely registration is essential due to limited capacity. The General Assembly and IUCN SSG meeting are free of charge, but travel and accommodation are self-funded. Please register by 31 July 2024 at latest under

On Wednesday and Thursday WSCS and Zoological Society of London are organizing a one-and-a-half day byatch workshop on the premises of INRAe. Participation is free of charge.  Coffee and beverages are provided during the breaks. See the announcement in the attachment.