10 February 2022 Two updated Management Plans for the Danube River Basin Two updated Management Plans for the Danube River Basin Two updated Management Plans for the Danube River Basin have been endorsed in the ICPDR’s first online Danube
7 February 2022 2022 Sturgeon spearing on the Winnebago System 2022 Sturgeon spearing on the Winnebago System Water clarity is the strongest predictor of lake sturgeon harvest success on the Winnebago System, however, the
27 January 2022 ‘Warrior’ sturgeon displaced by B.C. floods rescued from pump station ‘Warrior’ sturgeon displaced by B.C. floods rescued from pump station Anglers and volunteers in Abbotsford, B.C., have helped save nine sturgeon stranded at the Barrowtown Pump Station after
27 January 2022 LIFE-Sterlet reports first mature recaptures from the release program LIFE-Sterlet reports first mature recaptures from the release program The monitoring of the LIFE-Sterlet project located on the Upper Danube in Austria reported the first three
13 January 2022 EAS 2022- Call for papers – “Conservation and Restoration (all species)” EAS 2022- Call for papers – “Conservation and Restoration (all species)” As you probably know, the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is organising its Aquaculture Europe 2022 event from
1 January 2022 10th ISC presentations 10th ISC presentations The presentations made by the speakers at the 10th International Sturgeon Conference, held virtual last November, and
20 December 2021 European efforts to restore sturgeon populations European efforts to restore sturgeon populations WSCS was invited to participate in the "Joint Annual Meeting of the American Eel Interest Group and
20 December 2021 10th International Sturgeon Conference (ISC) 10th International Sturgeon Conference (ISC) The 10th International Sturgeon Conference, usually held in Warsaw, has been held (virtually) on November 25th 2021,
18 December 2021 UK Sturgeon Alliance UK Sturgeon Alliance UK Sturgeon Alliance’ activities gain momentum With the launch of their website the UK Sturgeon Alliance has
18 December 2021 The new GFCM project on bycatch The new GFCM project on bycatch the new GFCM project on bycatch – resolution adopted in November On the occasion of the forty-fourth
14 December 2021 IUCN SSG and WSCS IUCN SSG and WSCS In the 2020 Sturgeon SG Report IUCN SSG (which includes several members of the WSCS) mentions the
8 December 2021 White sturgeon on the Snake River White sturgeon on the Snake River White sturgeon are thriving on the Snake River between American Falls and Idaho Falls go to the