29 January 2021 New process for collection data in spear fishery on the Winnebago System New process for collection data in spear fishery on the Winnebago System The annual lake sturgeon spear fishery on the Winnebago System, Wisconsin gets underway on February 13. The
24 January 2021 International Sturgeon Conference, November, Warsaw International Sturgeon Conference, November, Warsaw The 10° International Sturgeon Conference, co-organized by WSCS and AllerAqua, is planned to be held in the
23 January 2021 China releases endangered sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) into Yangtze River China releases endangered sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) into Yangtze River Chinese officials and researchers on Thursday released 80 Dabry's sturgeon into the upper reaches of the Yangtze
18 January 2021 Ship sturgeon rediscovered in the Rioni River in Georgia Ship sturgeon rediscovered in the Rioni River in Georgia Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is a wildlife conservation organisation working in over 40 countries worldwide. The
17 January 2021 Inland waterway transport – NAIADES III action plan 2021-2027 Inland waterway transport – NAIADES III action plan 2021-2027 The EU Commission has operned a public consultation process on the NAIADES III Action Plan for the
12 December 2020 News from the Wisconsin DNR News from the Wisconsin DNR The Wisconsin DNR released a short video entitled “Partners in Sharing” that highlights some collaborative work that
12 December 2020 News from the LIFE Sterlet project News from the LIFE Sterlet project The project LIFE Sterlet aims to strengthen the wild populations of the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) in different sections
25 November 2020 Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon Scientists have discovered a molecular marker for sex determination
21 November 2020 WSCS General Assembly 2020, November 18 WSCS General Assembly 2020, November 18 WSCS General Assembly (GA), November 18, 2020 (virtual) The annual General Assembly of WSCS has been held
10 November 2020 Virtual study visit to LIFE for Danube Sturgeons Virtual study visit to LIFE for Danube Sturgeons We have the pleasure to inform you of this WWF event: "Dear sturgeon experts, WWF's EU funded
26 October 2020 WWF Central and Eastern EU – 700 Russian sturgeons released in the Danube River WWF Central and Eastern EU – 700 Russian sturgeons released in the Danube River We report here the news from the WWF of the release of 700 Russian sturgeons in the
26 October 2020 The “Sturddlefish” The “Sturddlefish” In a recent article published in the journal GENES being cited repeatedly in newspapers, a group of