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The Siberian Sturgeon. Vol. 2. – Farming

BOOKS | AUG 2018

The Siberian Sturgeon
(Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869)

Volume 2 – Farming

© 2018

The Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869) Volume 2 – Farming

Editors: Williot, Patrick; Nonnotte, Guy; Chebanov, Mikhail (Eds.)


Provides a comprehensive synthesis of the sturgeon’s biology, including: Biology and Ecology, Physiology of Reproduction, and Eco-physiology, i.e. adaptation to the environment

Shares detailed insights on unusual topics and/or updated syntheses, e.g. species-specificity, new insights on mineralization and ossification, genetic sex determination, transposable elements in gonads, early ontogeny, sensory capacity, nutrition, swimming, chemical neuroanatomy of the central nervous system, oogenesis with the unique simultaneous description by image and physiological phenomena, gonadal steroids, steroid profiles, physiological effects of environmental stress (hypoxia and exposition to ammonia particularly), as well as selected methods (aortic cannulation, respiration physiology)

Intended for fish biologists, specialists in comparative biology and/or evolutionary biology, sturgeon scientists, sturgeon farmers, and consultants in a variety of fields, e.g. in aquaculture, farming design, and water management