The WSCS and NASPS held a joint Governing Board meeting on 18 February 2021 to discuss shared objectives for each society. Publications, planned meetings and workshops, and supported conservation actions for each society were discussed. One joint activity to highlight is the development of an Ex situBest Practices for Sturgeons and Paddlefishes document. This document will include descriptions of the state of the art broodstock collection, maturation and hormonal induction, egg collection, embryo incubation, and larval rearing techniques as well as future needs. Development and organization of an Ex situWorking Group, which includes members from both societies, is underway. Another planned activity is the Review on Conservation Measures for Sturgeons. This would be a searchable databank and GIS-based mapping with overlays of species distribution, pressures, restoration measures and effects for an overview on sturgeon restoration activities and support programs worldwide.WSCS and NASPS will meet four times a year to increase collaborative efforts in the conservation and restoration of sturgeons and paddlefishes.